After coming to this class and relearning about programing something that I've learned more about were If Statements. While If are easy to explain they can become really complex in how they are used and what they can be used for in programing. A good example of this is how I was working on creating a small choose your own adventure style game in my free time. Players could have almost an infinite amount of possibilities to choose from to face a certain out come. If statements were almost a pillar as to keeping the story on track so that of the many possibilities someone can choose they can all still lead into a few select out comes.
Another thing I learned are how Variables work. An example for this I wanna give is for my Coin Counter code I made. What it did was took the number of coins and calculated how much money I had from those coins. This was achieved because I set certain input to the selected coin and then it would take the value that was stored and give you your answer. It was complicated yet also simple because while the value of the variable changed constantly it was also easy to track and see where the final result came from.