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There have been many fighting games over the years. Fighting games have many forms but the archetype that has always intrigued me are heavy weights. Heavy Weight fighters are known for their massive health and survivability however sometimes they weight of this archetype doesn't pan out a lot of the time which is why Kragg is such a fascinating character to look at.

Kragg hails form the fighting game Rivals of Aether 2 and has it's design root coming from Super Smash Bro. In Smash the aim of the game is to knock you opponent of stage to take a stock and once all stocks are gone their is a winner. Smash has a problem with its heavy weights were the archetype does a lot of damage and can kill very easy, however because of this heavy weights are known to have combos or if they do they are very one note compared to other fighting game characters. Which is why Kragg is such a breath of fresh air. Kragg is capable of the sorts of combos that other archetypes are able to do flawlessly.